Neon Genesis Evangelion
as someone who was kind of in the dark about anime in general up until the last year or so, this series always stuck me as some ethereal work of art that my feeble brain was probably incapable of understanding. since it had been hyped up for so long and most of the media i consume is more on the abstract side anyways, i figured i'd take the time to delve into the anime and see what it was Truly All About once and for all. after finishing it and watching breakdown after breakdown on youtube i can confidently say i'm still not entirely sure.
however what a wild ride. i had a great time following each character through their own internal crises. and there were a whole lot. plenty of dope robot moments. seriously those things are beasts. this whole thing is chock full of seriously thought provoking themes revolving around fun things like human nature and existentialism. it's been stuck on my mind. everytime i think too deeply or dramatically about something i can't help but feel shinji-fied.